“It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught of God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me.” John 6:4-5
Most of us would admit that it’s been a challenging year. We are still dealing with the after effects of Covid 19 sickness, deaths, loss of jobs, home shortages, business loss, church closures and the like. Even though our country is coming back with some sort of normalcy – we are not out of the woods – with our struggles! I believe through it all – God knows and hears our cry!
Because of the issues I was personally dealing with, I challenged myself to read God’s word from Genesis to Revelation in 1 year using my YouVersion Bible Plan (currently in the book of Ezekiel). I believe that God placed this task on my heart during this time, because I’ve always felt that in order to become a better educator of His word, I must make it a daily practice to learn!
I’ve typically read His word based on a book I’ve written, bible study lesson or blog post, but now that I’ve challenged myself with this task, my understanding of God has increased tremendously! Maybe some of you can relate…
I don’t personally know what you may need to learn from Jesus this summer or if Jesus has used this time to minister to you. But I believe that we should slow down, rest, take a vacation and perhaps challenge ourselves with just one or more lessons that provides a closer walk with Jesus.
If you haven’t thought about it or thinking, “what can I possibly do to learn more from Jesus?”
Here are 3 simple ways to get you started:

Get rid of your earthly idols
Ouch! Let’s just start there first… In reading Gods word, I’ve quickly realized that worshipping idols have ALWAYS been our biggest problem! Our flesh and sinful ways make it very difficult to make Jesus a top priority. We’ve seen countless accounts of Gods people worshipping idols that were built from gold, stone, wood, stars, moon, animals, human Kings/Queens and the like in the Bible. If it could be worshipped – it was…
Our God forgave and allowed His people to repent and ask for forgiveness over and over again because of His love, but His people just wouldn’t learn. God also showed His wrath and allowed them to suffer because of it. However, those who love God and only God were blessed beyond measure. And it’s still His promise to us today.
Some of us have to let go of our possessions, workaholic lifestyles, social media fame, human idolatry and anything that takes our focus off of Jesus – to receive what He has for us! How can we learn how to live our best lives from Him, if we are following everything else BUT Him?! How can you learn something new, if you think you know it all? If you’re still going in circles, never accomplishing what God truly has for you, you need to figure out who you’re worshipping!
If this speaks volumes to your heart – pray and ask God to show you how to let go this summer! Use this time to ask for forgiveness, understanding and grace. Learn from your old ways and start fresh as a Disciple for Christ!
Try my online course for the next 14 days learning how to follow Jesus footsteps: The 14-day Christian Tribe Challenge

Revive and renew your commitment
The definition of revival is: “the overwhelming sense of God’s presence that falls powerfully on a Christian people who have become dead and lethargic in their spiritual lives, reviving those elements of the Christian life that God intends to be normal for his church.” Bingo! Are you spiritually dead? Have you pushed further and further away from your Church? When’s the last time you’ve spoken with Jesus?
One thing I’ve learned and seen from fellow Christians is a need to revive our commitments to Him! We do this by learning what Jesus wants from us each day through prayer. Death is an eye opener (spiritually and physically) that validates our appointed times with the Lord. Use this time to revive your heart and allow Jesus to jump start your passion and calling for Him!
Here are books that you can also learn from this summer that helps: Salt: Rekindle and Reclaim Your Power Within Or Do Life Well With Jesus – 7 Faithful Sessions To Boldly Stay In Gods Will

Commit to your Bible Study or Reading Plan
Reading quietly in bed or outside during the summer months is an awesome past time of mine! God gave us this gift of reading to teach, learn and grow in our knowledge of the world and Him. As mentioned earlier, I’ve chosen to read through His word from beginning to end, but I also have created and read many bible study plans to grow my faith.
I find it great to learn from others, because we can relate to common trials and challenges. If we are struggling with life, sometimes hearing encouraging words, quotes, poems and scriptures helps us to apply those same principles to our lives.
My gift is to also share encouraging words through my writings, studies and books here on my site, but I also look forward and seek out others who are doing the same! The “church” is here to help and encourage our walks together here on earth, in addition to pointing the lost to Jesus to be saved. We all need support and a helping hand as we strive to learn more about Jesus.
I would suggest committing to a reading plan that you would love to learn more about from YouVersion or my reading plans/studies here.
In conclusion
These are just 3 simple ways you can learn more from Jesus this summer or at anytime that you need to reboot! You may want to learn from Him in other ways that I haven’t mentioned in your personal relationship. The bottom line is to slow down, reflect and Thank Him for how far you’ve come! You will continue to learn something new as long as your heart is open to His teaching. You just have to be willing…
Be blessed,