Do you ever feel that no matter what you do or how you act towards friends and loved ones, you get pushed away? Is the love of your parents non-existent? Or maybe your marriage has failed, because your spouse rejected the relationship.
Whatever you’ve faced or currently facing, God never intended you’re life to be this way. When you depend on people, you’ll fail. Unfortunately, they will disappoint and reject you for one reason or another.
When you learn how to hurt, then you tend to create more hurt towards others. If you never learned how to love, then you can’t show love. Or you crave love, so you’ll do what ever it takes to find it. Eventually, you may even give up!
I like to believe that Rejected People – Reject People…
I too have felt the pain of rejection. I as well as you, will experience this on a daily basis in one form or another. So I wanted to start my first personal growth bible study that tears down the stronghold of rejection.
I believe that this stronghold is so powerful that it stops you from fulfilling your best life. Rejection will cause you to withdraw from life, become depressed and close yourself off from the world.
My prayer is that you will dig deep and honestly answer the study questions below. Read and allow Gods word to speak to your heart in order to move forward and defeat any type of rejection in your life. This study is a tool to be used for you to grow personally.
All you’ll need is a bible or bible app, notebook or journal, pen and an open heart. 🙂 Feel free to work at your own pace, but I suggest completing it within 1-2 weeks. So, if you’re ready, let’s get started!

Why & When You’re Feeling Rejected
- Think of your own feelings of personal rejection from a friend, loved one or even a stranger. Choose one or more significant times in your life where you felt rejected the most. Write them down.
- Why do you believe God allowed you to experience them?
- Read Acts 7:17-36. How do you feel about Moses being rejected as the leader over the Israel people? What do you believe God is saying to you in verse 35? Explain.
- Read Genesis Chapter 37 through 50. Write a short summary of how Joseph was rejected and why God brought him through it.
- Jesus said in Matthew 8:31-38 that He would be rejected by men. What would have happened if He listened to Peter? What must you do to reject the world and welcome Jesus into your life?
- Read Matthew 10:21-22. What does Jesus say about rejection? Why?

How To Tear Down Rejected Strongholds
- Read the following Bible verses…
- What is God saying to you in these verses regarding your feelings of rejection? What kind of attitude or mindset should you have? Explain.
- Do you think that God would rather have you focus on his everlasting love, than the rejected love of this world? Why?
- What can you thank God for today?
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Question: How has rejection affected your life?
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