I have a friend who I speak with on a regular basis. We discuss our lives as believers who live in a world where it’s not so popular to be a Christian. Believers are taught to live in the world, but be not of this world. We are Gods chosen people right?! But I must admit, we compare ourselves to other Christians (and some unbelievers) more often then you think.
Comparing ourselves to the world

Comparing one’s life to another Christian’s life should be off limits. God blesses us individually and collectively and gives each at least one gift as taught in His word. But is it really realistic to think this way?
Sadly, in talking with my friend, we too succumb to the “comparison” reality because sometimes our flesh is messy and weak. Why? Because Christians are slowly blending in with the world and it’s views. We are given gift(s) by God for His glory, however it’s still not good enough. We want the envious person’s gifts more and are never satisfied.
Sometimes you can’t tell us apart from the unbeliever who stands right next to us. Our light doesn’t shine within this dark world as we exude our ungrateful spirits within.
Let me ask you a few quick questions:
- Have you ever found yourself feeling jealous or envious of another Christian’s success financially or personally?
- Do you see them growing and thriving when your life is stagnant?
- Does their life appear to be perfect and yours always in turmoil?
- Is their makeup, hair and attire always on point? (OK women that was “petty” but you know what I mean!)
If you can answer yes to one or more (or fill in the blank), then there’s an issue within your heart that I want to help with. 🙂
Christians are sinners too

Christians are sinners (saved by Grace), so I’m addressing this topic of comparison in this personal growth study. We all suffer from insecurities, doubt, weakness and comparing ourselves to our fellow man just like everyone else! Unfortunately, I still deal with it from time to time.
No one truly wants to discuss what goes on behind closed doors, because it’s a topic that we don’t want to admit. But admitting and discussing this stronghold will help us look at ourselves and discover how to overcome it with Gods word!
If you’re new to my personal growth bible studies, they are super-simple guides for those with busy lives, to defeat personal strongholds and daily problems with Gods word! To receive my studies as soon as they are released to your email…
All you’ll need is a bible or bible app, journal or notebook and pen to jot down your answers to the questions with an open heart to learn!
You’ll also receive a FREEBIE keepsake as a constant reminder of Gods word at the end of this study 🙂
So if you’re ready, let’s get the help you need!
Why are you comparing yourself to other Christians?

- When was the last time you felt envious or jealous of another Christian believer that’s close to you. What did they do specifically that made you feel this way?
- You have received at least one gift from God to be used for His glory. Why do you feel it’s not good enough for you? Write it down.
- Read Genesis 37. Genesis 37:11 says his (Joseph’s) brothers were jealous of him. What impact did their jealousy have on their brother and family?
- Can you relate to the jealousy and envy that Joseph’s brothers had towards him? What were you missing in your past experiences that causes you to feel this way?
- Now read Numbers 11. Numbers 11:29 speaks about Joshua’s jealousy and bigotry in supressing Eldad and Medad’s prophesying. Why do you believe he felt that way?
- Have you ever felt that you didn’t deserve the blessings and gifts that God has given you? Ever feel unworthy? If so, why? Read 1 Corinthians 3:3
- Read Philippians 1:12-26. Verses 15-18 speaks of sharing Gods word from a pure or selfish envious heart. Reflect back on your Christian life. Which one honestly applies to you? Write it down.
- Do you ever find yourself boasting about your authority, leadership or gifts to others? If so, is it coming from a feeling of insecurity or “puffing yourself up” towards other Christians? What does Jesus say in Matthew 23:1-36?
- Read these verses from Jesus about defilement from within. Now close your eyes and examine your heart. How can you change any of these wicked ways today?
- Proverbs 28:22 speaks of seeking after earthly wealth. What is the consequences of this type of thinking?
Personal Reflection Homework

- Read Psalm 141:1-142:1. God gives you protection from your sins. Why?
- Read these verses from Proverbs. Chapter 22:8-10 says, “8 He who sows iniquity will reap vanity, And the rod of his fury will perish. 9 He who is generous will be blessed, For he gives some of his food to the poor. 10 Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, Even strife and dishonor will cease.” What must you focus on to rid yourself of comparisons, envy and strife?
- We know that the “love of money” will cause us to lose sight of God’s will for our lives as believers. After reading 1 Timothy 6:3-10, what must you change to become an effective leader?
- It is also common that leaders of our churches can and will fall prey to jealousy, power and envy towards other leaders. What does the bible say in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 about their reputations? How important is it to have a good reputation as a believer?
- We live in a world that believes the more you have the more successful you are. Read these verses and determine what type of seeds you want to sow?
- Most of our envious, jealous and comparing ways derive from worldly, wealthy success however what does God say on the matter? Read 1 Timothy 6:17
- Read these verses in Matthew, Mark and Luke. How does the rich young man’s life compare to yours? Can you relate to his story?
- Comparing our lives to others typically comes from insecurity, anxiety and fear of our lives. Do you truly believe God in Luke 12:22-34?
- Now I ask you to read and reflect on Joshua 7:16-26. What must you do to confess your sins to God to get back on the right track?
- What can you thank God for today?
Free Wall Art Printable
Personal Growth Reminder
“But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you. 32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. 33 “Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Luke 12-31