Praise God that we finished Week 2 of Unspeakable Joy Bible Study & Journal!
This week we’ve praised God for his goodness, mercy and everlasting love towards us. We’ve also learned that even in good or bad times in our lives, our God still expects us to praise Him as we are going through these times! Not because we are going through hard times, but because He’s good… So lets make a joyful noise to our God in Heaven because he’s truly worthy to be praised!
Let’s recap and enjoy our 2nd week of Unspeakable Joy in Gods word!
(Mon) Psalm 100:1-2 – SOAP Psalm 100:1-2
Monday night scripture reading & writing challenge 🎁 Read Psalm 100:1-2 – SOAP✍🏽 Psalm 100:1-2
This is a popular scripture in the Bible that Christians love to quote and share.
I also love this one because even when I’m down and not feeling particularly happy about things – God still expects me to joyfully praise him!
No, not because I’m down but because he’s good 😍 And his goodness and mercy endures forever.
If that’s not enough to make a joyful noise in praise, I don’t know what will. 🎉
(Tues) Psalms 30:11 – SOAP Psalms 30:11
Tuesday scripture reading & writing challenge 🎁 Read Psalm 30:11 – SOAP
Psalm 30:11
I know that some of you may be going through a hard time during this holiday season.
Lost loved ones and friends that are no longer around can take the spirit of joy from us.
But Gods spirit still lives within! Hallelujah
And if you allow this joy to consume you even during these times – you’ll learn how to have unspeakable joy (even in sadness) at all times!
(Wed) Psalms 51:12 – SOAP Psalms 51:12
Wednesday scripture reading & writing challenge 🎁Read Psalm 51:12 – SOAP
Psalm 51:12
We’ve all had moments where we’ve lost our mojo. Life gets us down and we find ourselves in a downward spin.
If you find yourself feeling as though you’ve lost all joy or hope – just lift up your head and ask our God to restore his joy back into your life!
He’s listening and waiting for you to come back to him
(Thurs) Psalms 98:4 – SOAP Psalms 98:4
Thursday scripture reading & writing challenge 🎁 Read Psalm 98:4 – SOAP
Psalm 98:4
“Joy to the world the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare him room. And heaven and nature sing – And heaven and nature sing. And heaven and heaven and nature sing!” Hallelujah 🎁
(Fri) 3 John 1:4 – SOAP 3 John 1:4
Friday scripture reading & writing challenge 🎁 Read 3 John 1:4 – SOAP
3 John 1:4
In today’s world it’s hard to raise children in the ways of the Lord. Satan and his followers are there at every turn to entice them away from the truth.
But God also says to never give up teaching our kids about him day and night – which means at all times!
You may feel like a broken record or that it’s going out of one ear through the other. But remain patient and stick with it. Gods word will never return void and they will always return back to him!
I pray that you’re enjoying this study as your personal time with God or in a small bible study group! Feel free to share with friends and family 🙂 If you didn’t get a chance to study with us – you can do it at your own leisure by clicking the link below to receive your study materials!
If you have any questions or would love to share what you learned, please tell us about it in the comments 🙂 We would also love for you to share your thoughts and join our FB group here
I look forward to seeing you here next Monday! We’ll continue with our 3rd Week Study and Journal Summary of Unspeakable Joy!
Is there anything that you’re joyful to God for this past week? Tell us in the comments…