Are you an emotional, worrywart kind of Christian? Unable to deal with a situation or with life? Having frequent feelings of insecurity, depression or inadequacy?
Well, some Christians believe that we should never experience these feelings. They say, the lack of faith is the culprit. And giving into these feelings results in sin. So what do you say to those Christians who have never experienced it for themselves? I bet you’ll tell them to take a walk in your shoes for just one day and see!
Recently in my local area, there was a prominent Lead Pastor Andrew Stoecklein who committed suicide. My son attended his church with a friend a few months back and heard him speak. My son enjoyed his sermon and loved the atmosphere of the church. He was a young pastor with a wife and three small boys. But he suffered from depression and anxiety that he just couldn’t seem to overcome… How does a Pastor choose to take his own life and essentially give up on the teachings of God?
Statistics tell us that only about one-third of those who are depressed actually receive treatment. It’s also known that depression is the linked cause for over two-thirds of suicides reported each year.
Is it a sin or not?
This subject is debated among Christians as far back as I can remember. Murdering someone including yourself is a sin according to Gods word. Murderers can repent and ask God for forgiveness. However, getting into Heaven after committing this irreversible sin to onesself is a debatable topic for discussion, perhaps at a later time. Unfortunately, there’s no clear answer in the Bible.
That being said, it is NOT a sin to be depressed, however how you respond will determine if there’s sin. If you choose to get drunk, do drugs or anything against Gods word to numb your pain, is considered a sin.
Job experienced deep depression as recorded in Genesis because of great trials that fell upon his life. Fortunately, Job worked through the pain and finally got his life back together and had a great ending. So, you can too.
Feelings of inadequacy and depression
These are strongholds that will overpower you if not managed or controlled. Most importantly, chemical imbalances in the brain should be treated properly by a physician once diagnosed. Just keep in mind that depression is a disease that only God can truly heal!
I wrote a blog post regarding this very topic called Depressed: When Satan Still Won’t Leave You Alone It’s a very real and sensitive subject in our Christian community that we need to address more often.
When you get a moment, I would urge you to read it. But in the meantime, I wanted to address these secret issues of inadequacy and a depressed state of mind in this personal growth bible study!
God has designed a plan for each and every one of you to live your best life here on earth… This study promises to clear your brain fog and give you hope, peace, encouragement and authority over Satan, in Gods word – right where you are today!
All you’ll need is a bible or bible app, notebook or journal, pen and an open heart. 🙂 Feel free to work at your own pace, but I suggest completing it within 1-2 weeks. So, if you’re ready, let’s get started!

Where are your feelings of inadequacy and depression stemming from?
- What has happened in your life lately or in the past that has caused you to feel inadequate or insecure? Write it down.
- Why do you believe God allowed this to happen to you? Explain.
- Read Job 2:9, Job 3:26, Job 30:15-17 – Job suffered great loss, devastation, and physical illness. Job was a righteous man of God who lost literally everything. So great was his suffering and tragedy that even his own wife said, “Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!” Can you relate to Job? Explain.
- Read Psalm 56:1-13 and Psalm 43:5. What is David saying about being depressed in these passages? How is David able to change his thoughts of inadequacy?
- Are your feelings swaying to and fro like the wind? Experiencing brain fog or lack of concentration? Having feelings of despair? Write it down.
- Depression can relate to emotions that have been ignored or pushed down. Has something happened that you’re trying to forget? Dig deep and reveal it to God.

How to rid yourself from inadequate and depressive strongholds
- Read the following Bible verses…
- What is God saying to you in these verses regarding your feelings of inadequacy and depression? What kind of attitude or mindset should you have? Explain.
- Do you think that God would rather have you focus on his everlasting love, peace and will for your life, rather than thoughts of suicide? Why?
- What must you do daily to overcome these negative feelings?
- What can you thank God for today?
Free PDF Journal Download! Simply click the pic, print and keep a copy in your personal journal or notebook 🙂
Question: Are you currently struggling with feelings of inadequacy or depression? If so, how are you managing it or not?
Leave your comments below!