Have you ever been on social media and noticed that when you post something uplifting, inspirational or positive, there’s always someone posting negative or “hater” comments? Ever unfriend someone and you know they still “troll” your page?
Had a good or great thing happen in your life, whether personal, professional or spiritual that you shared with a close friend or family member and they made you feel like it’s no big deal? Do they point out the negatives instead of the positives? Or did they just play it down all together?
Now let’s look at these examples and turn it towards yourself! Are you that person? We like to call them haters, betrayers, spies, trolls or just plain old messy…
It’s sad but true and these types of people have been around since the beginning of time! If these examples touch a sensitive nerve and it’s you pointing at you, well this personal growth bible study promises to uncover why and get you help!!!
Why are you so messy and a hater towards others?
Well, most of us should know the answer to this question. Satan and his demons are the undercover culprits and enemies. Adam and Eve’s first born son, Cain murdered his brother Abel, because God favored Abel’s offering over Cains. The first hateful, jealous seed resulting in murder was planted. (Genesis 4:1–16)

We all have or are still struggling with these issues. That demon sits inside of us brewing, steaming, resenting and sometimes hating others. When our friends or family appear to do better, greater or more successful than us then our inner insecurities take over, however it’s hard to see others do great things when our lives seem stagnant.
God didn’t create us to hate, envy, covet or desire what others have! He gave us individual desires that only He can give. What God has for you is for you and you alone! Sometimes it’s hard to believe when you don’t see anything positive happening. But just waiting on God’s timing and not your own is key…
How do I change my attitude?
The first step is to dig deep and discover why you’re feeling this way. Were you neglected, bullied or overlooked as a child? Did you have both parents in your life that showed you love and support? Was a sibling favored over you? Do you work hard in your personal or professional life and never get rewarded?
Yes, yes, yes and yes some more! The goal is to discover that God is the key source in fulfilling what ever need that specific insecurity is replacing in your life! Why are you insecure? Why are you lashing out towards others? What’s missing that you haven’t revealed to God?

This personal growth bible study will ask those questions to uncover why, when or how your negative, hateful or envious attitude towards others block your blessings.
” For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. ” 1 John 2:16
I will then provide key scripture in Gods word to help you overcome those issues! It’s not going to be easy, however we can do anything with God’s help and Spirit…
If you’re new to my personal growth bible studies, they are super-simple guides for those with busy lives, to defeat personal strongholds and daily problems with Gods word! To receive them as soon as they are released to your email click here
All you’ll need is a bible or bible app, journal notebook and pen to jot down your answers to the questions with an open heart to learn! You’ll also receive a FREEBIE keepsake as a constant reminder of Gods word at the end of this study 🙂
Now if you’re ready for change – Won’t you join me? If so, let’s get started!
How, why and when you betray, hate, troll and spy

- Think of times when you hated, betrayed or trolled a friend, family member or ex-partner in person? What about a stranger on social media? Why? Remember those feelings vividly. Write them down.
- Why do you believe you attacked these people?
- Did you feel satisfied, happy or depressed? Why? How long did this feeling(s) last?
- Read Habakkuk 2:10. What does this verse mean to you? Explain.
- Have you ever felt demeaned, overlooked or looked down upon in your past? Name all that apply. How did it make you feel?
- Do you feel this sort of way today?
- Read Galatians 5:19. How does this passage make you feel?
- When was the last time you allowed your flesh to overrule your spirit? Now Read Proverbs 10:12
- Have you ever thought hating others success is a direct reflection of your feelings towards yourself? Read Matthew 7:4 then explain.
- Are you unhappy with the life your currently living? Do you find yourself asking God why you’re life isn’t what you planned?
Our Pastor preached a sermon discussing New Year resolutions that we tend to make each year. This year’s focus is called “Stay in your lane!” His sermon struck a nerve because this should be our goal in life today and moving forward. No more gossip, negativity or tearing down of others – especially other believers!
Staying in our lanes and staying out of others business, being messy, gossiping or a hater is another tactic that Satan uses to divide us. Our focus should always be on Gods will. Attacking others just shows us what we are missing in our own lives.
How to stop being a betrayer, hater, troll and messy spy

Personal Reflection Homework
- Read Numbers 5:7 What does God expect you to do if you’ve committed any of these sins?
- Read Leviticus 26:40 What reassurance does God give you in this passage?
- Read Daniel 9:4 Why does God ask you to confess your sins?
- Read 1 John 2:14 God’s given you strength and power over Satan! Why?
- Read John 16:33 Why does Jesus tell us not to worry, but to have peace?
- Read 2 Corinthians 5:10 What must we all do before God one day?
- Read Ezra 10:11 What should you do to get right with God and other believers?
- Read Nehemiah 9:2. What must you do to rid yourself of gossiping friends, messy family members and internet trolls?
- Psalm 32:5. What should you acknowledge to God that you’re holding back? Why should He forgive you?
- What can you thank God for?

Personal Growth Reminder -> Pray to God asking Him to replace whatever void you are trying to fill by betraying, hating, trolling or being just plain old messy towards others! Ask Him to replace those feelings with compassion, kindness, self-control and love 🙂
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