Praise God we made it through Week 1 of the Gospel of John – Bible Reading Plan Challenge! I have to admit that reading Gods word on a daily basis can be quite challenging, but it’s something that must be done in order to live and apply it to our daily lives!
My Pastor at New Beginnings Christian Fellowship has challenged us to live as “Kingdom Men and Women” because we should always have a heavenly, kingdom mindset as we are living here on earth. We are here to do the work of Jesus Christ, even among the turmoil and chaos of the day. So I challenge you to read His word as often as you can, so we can and will be ready when Satan attacks (and he will)… So let’s get started!
John 1:1-25
Day 1: In the beginning Jesus was with God & through him ALL things were made! John was sent by God as a witness to testify about Jesus the Savior. Even though Jesus was here in the flesh, he was not welcomed. John testifies to the Jewish leaders that he wasn’t the Messiah, but the voice of the one calling in the wilderness! Oh but he wasn’t just that quiet simple voice- but the loud, unapologetic voice of truth!
Isn’t it sad how we reject Jesus the son of God more today then the leaders did back then? Let’s take direction from John today and proclaim Jesus wherever we go! What are your thoughts on this scripture passage?#followingjesus101 #johnbiblereadingchallenge
John 1:26-51
Day 2: John baptized Jesus with water to reveal him to the world. Jesus also meets his first disciples Andrew, Simon Peter and Nathanael and told them to follow him. Nathanael believed that Jesus was the Messiah after Jesus told him he saw him sitting under the fig tree! And Jesus said he would see heaven open and Gods angels ascend and descend on him.
What joy to know that God kept his word by revealing Jesus (their Savior) to John then to his first set of followers! Jesus asks us to follow him today just as he did then. Have faith in knowing that when Jesus says to literally drop everything and go with him – he will replace what you’ve left behind with so much more!
What did you learn from this scripture passage? #followingjesus101 #johnbiblereadingchallenge
John 2:1-12
Day 3: On the third day, Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding in Galilee! This was the first sign of Jesus’s glory that was revealed as an example of his power. He could have made just any old wine for the wedding guests, but Jesus gave His best! That’s what He expects from us today – our best!
What did you learn from this scripture passage? How can you apply God’s word today in your life? #followingjesus101 #johnbiblereadingchallenge
John 2:13-25
Day 4: Jesus went to Jerusalem right before the Passover and found people selling animals and exchanging money in the temple. He became so angry that He took a whip, overturned the tables and cleared Gods house! This was the first time we see Jesus getting angry! When the Jewish people asked him whose authority he had to do this? He said destroy the temple and he would rebuild it in three days. But the leaders didn’t realize that he was speaking of himself!
God will not allow anyone or anything to destroy or demean his house of worship! He demands respect, praise and worship at all times. This was his testimony to everyone there that he would die and rise up again in three days!
What did you learn from this scripture passage? How can you apply God’s word today in your life? #followingjesus101 #johnbiblereadingchallenge
John 3:1-18
Day 5: Nicodemus was a ruler over the Jews. He was wondering how Jesus could perform many miracles unless God was with him. Jesus told Nicodemus that you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus didn’t understand and thought man couldn’t be reborn in his mothers womb. But Jesus said, you must be born again with water and the Holy Spirit in order to inherit the Kingdom of God! If not then man is condemned forever! For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son.
Jesus tells Nicodemus the only way to inherit the Kingdom of God was through Him and Him alone! We as people were doomed for death as soon as we enter into the world. But once you believe Jesus and accept Him as Lord you will be saved forever! I want to live in Heaven forever! How about you? Amen
What did you learn from this scripture? How can you apply it to your daily life today? #followingjesus101#johnbiblereadingchallenge
John 3:19-36
Day 6: We are condemned to death if we don’t believe and accept Jesus as God’s son. All who do evil don’t want to accept Jesus because they want to continue doing evil, but the ones who do accept Jesus want to live life for God. John the Baptist came before Jesus to reveal him and to expose him to the world. John decreased as Jesus increased and Jesus has the power to save. God has given Jesus this power and who ever believes will be saved for eternity!
What did you learn from this scripture? How can you apply this to our life today? #followingjesus101#johnbiblereadingchallenge