- Publisher: Ball Publications
- Available in: PDF Download
- Published: 10/06/2020
Think Like A Monk
…is a sought after book written by Author, Jay Shetty that simplifies the timeless wisdom he learned as a monk that turns this wisdom into practical, actionable steps to train your mind for peace and purpose everyday. He reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us.
This book has gained popularity because its focus is to help everyone discover purpose, generousity and belonging by learning their 4 Noble Truths. He discusses 5 main points of *how to live, *what to strive for, *what to avoid, *prayer to Buddha and the *path to enlightenment through the Buddhism religion.
Buddhism beliefs vs Christian beliefs
Based on this popular Zen mindset, I wanted to explore Buddhism beliefs vs Christian beliefs in simple terms. This study will breakdown these 4 Noble Truths and compare them to Gods word from the Bible. My goal is to prove that Christians can think like a monk in some ways, but strive to LIVE like Jesus always!
This 4-week study is not to demean or put down another one’s religious beliefs, but simply provide a way for Christians (or non-believers) to discover what Jesus says that combats this thinking of Buddhist Zen behavior. Jesus, like Buddha, provides a clear path in His Word that we should ultimately think and live by everyday!
Each week we’ll focus on these truths of thinking along with 5 main points from the Think Like A Monk philosophy. Instead of discussing these points separately, I’ll include them with these 4 truths as actionable reflections from the Bible!
My Hear and Do The Word study will offer thoughts based on Gods word of the subject (BibleGateway.com), reflection questions, coloring (Pixabay.com) and memory verse printables for you to absorb into your heart every week and for weeks to come!
Simply download and participate at your own pace without ever feeling left behind… Soon you’ll be thinking and living like Jesus in no time. Open your mind to the possibility of living a life destined by God and none other!
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Wanda L. Ball, Bible Study Partner